Monday, December 31, 2012

Mickey and the fireworks

Mickey and the fireworks.  
Mickey paused for a moment coming out of his bungalow in the garden and reflected about the past year.  He knew that it was the 31st of December and the next day would bring the new year 2013.  He had been in Germany quite a long time, almost as long as Opa Jim and remembered the garden in Mapletree where he had grown up.  He would sit on a corner of the garden on one of the corner stones and smoke his pipe which glowed red in the dark so that the two boys in the house could see it from their bedroom window.  There had been some exciting times there as he out foxed  the bad white cat and the two bad animals from the woods whose names he had forgot but who loved souse from the ears. ..Such a long time.  As he continued to reflect, suddenly Meggy the dog bounded into the garden stopping to eat a shrunken  plum that Opa Jim had not seen as he collected the fruit in the garden to make his famous jellies and jams known for their exquisite taste throughout the region called Franken.  Meggy came up to Mickey licking her dog chops and giving a bark said to Mickey in German "Gruess Gott!" Mickey replied the same as he now was quite fluent in German.  Meggy then said, "let's get going for a walk" and Mickey hopped on her back and off they were over the fields and meadows looking for the last adventure of the year.  They didn't have far to go for suddenly there was a loud explosion in front of them.  As you know in Germany, New Years Eve or "Sylvester Abend" is time for fireworks and it is like the 4th of July in the USA.  They saw a teenaged boy who seemed to be having a problem with blood running down his face.  Another boy was running away from the scene.  Mickey correctly assessed the situation realizing that the boy had lit a rocket which pre-exploded before he could step back and that the rocket or "Boller" in German had been made in the Czech Republic by the Czech Mafia in some illegal factory using unregulated materials that were not meant to be used safely in fireworks.  Meggy barked and the boy looked through his hands that he was holding over his face to staunch the bleeding.  He couldn't help noticing the small creature on the back of the dog which of course was our Mickey. Without a further pause Meggy wheeled around and raced with Mickey holding on for dear life to Opa Jim's.  Opa Jim was cleaning the back of his auto which was full of dog hairs on the carpeting prompting Opa Jim to exclaim that the next auto of his which he would buy in June of 2013 would have only rubber floors and no carpet. He looked up as Meggy thundered in and Mickey told him what had happened. Opa Jim knew where the area the boy had injured himself and quickly alerted the police and Red Cross known as "Rote Kreuz" here.  He then jumped in the car with the two friends and drove to the site where the boy was arriving the same time as the ambulance.  He helped the boy into the ambulance and gathered up the Czech Mafia rockets to give to the police for evidence.  Then he drove back to apartment with Meggy and Mickey where they had a cup of tea (Meggy some dog treats)  again reflecting on the past year.  

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