Friday, April 4, 2014

Mickey and the early Spring

Mickey awoke recently to hear that his good friend Meggy the dog was scratching on his front door to his above and below ground bungalow in the Opa Jim's garden.  He sleepily stretched and got out of bed putting on his bathrobe going to the door, opening it and said, " What is so important that you are waking me out of a blissful, sound sleep?" " Meggy replied, " Hey you sleepy head look at the trees and shrubs in the garden!" Mickey rubbed his eyes and stepped out into the garden for a look-see. His eyes opened wide and then he blinked and rubbed them again. He said, " There are blossoms all over the place and it is only the beginning of April! What is going on?"  Meggy then said with a bark, " Can't you feel the temperature?" Mickey nodded and replied, " It has been the warmest winter in the history of this part of Germany and that is why everything is blooming so early.  We must wait and see what happens when the " 'Ice Saints' come in May with their icy breaths" Mickey was referring to the Saints in folklore in Germany and many other countries in Europe  Ice Saints . At any rate, Mickey began thinking about the many changes the climate change was starting to make in Germany and throughout the entire world.  Mosquitos carrying Malaria and other diseases were starting to move up from the south into central and northern Europe prompting officials to begin efforts to control the pests. Mickey also remembered the neighbor Mister Teapot-Head, a most unpleasant weasel, who did not believe in the climate change and laughed at those who did calling them conspiracy believers. He had his come-uppance last Fall when he developed the shakes and had to go to the hospital.  A tick from the southern areas of Europe wandering north with the changing temperature had bitten him and caused a case of "lime disease". This meant he had to get treatment and finally acknowledge that things were a changing.  Mr. Teapot-Head unfortunately was and is a member of a large group of "head in the sand " individuals that believe that all events are caused by a conspiracy led by a small group of mad scientists who control the world.  Mickey gave Opa Jim a call on his cell phone after contemplating on the above mentioned situation and told him he could plant salad in the greenhouse located in back of Mickey's bungalow.  Opa Jim went to his local garden store called "Loewenzahn" (Dandlion) ) and bought several varieties of leaf salad as he remembered the head lettuce variety takes a while to grow and sometimes goes to seed before it can be harvested.  He likes to be able to harvest salad as early as May and into the early summer before it gets to hot. Opa Jim came to the garden bringing water to sprinkle on the new lettuce plants as well as throw some "Schneckenkörner" (Snail corns) to keep the slugs away from the delicate succulents.  They all had a cup of tea together and Opa Jim and Meggy went off to teach ( Opa Jim teaches music and Meggy lies under the piano listening as well as being an official greeter for the students.) Mickey settled back and got out his book of poems and stories written by the famous local poet.   Jean Paul